Oct 21 2015
The Economic State of the Latino Community in America
This report examines multiple aspects of the economic state of the Latino community in the United States, including population growth, geographic presence, demographics, educational attainment, employment and earnings, the role of Latinas, wealth and retirement security. Together, these data help paint a portrait of Latinos and their economic prospects for the future.
The good news is that for many, the American dream is alive and well. Hispanics born in this country are more highly educated and earn higher incomes than their immigrant parents. Hispanics outpace all other Americans in forming their own businesses. They will represent fully one third of U.S. population in just 45 years and an economic force of great consequence. But there is bad news as well. Latinas for instance earn just 55 cents for every dollar earned by a non-Hispanic white man and Latinos as a whole lag significantly behind whites in education, income and wealth.
By: Senator Martin Heinrich
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